“Future trends on CNMs-based composites: from development to market application in the framework of sustainability and digitalization”
The 4th Training School of the Cost Action is focusing on the important challenges that CNMs-based composites should face: sustainability and digitalization. In the last year, the topic of recyclability, safety and sustainability are among the core discussion in the European community along with the emerging themes of material and product digital twins. This three-day event will aim to give an overview of the main aspects related to sustainability and digital challenges by bringing together academic and industrial experts at Dallara Academy.
Applicants are required to fill the following form: https://forms.gle/tP8FoZZFr6o8roFY8.
The Evaluation Committee will provide a decision in up to 5 days after the deadline for submission of applications.
Scientific relevance will be taken into account.
Dates: 26-28 June 2024
Venue: Varano de Melegari, Italy, Dallara Automobili S.p.A
Topics: sustainability, recyclability, safety, LCA, digitalization, CNMs-based composites
Deadline for submission: 3rd June, 2024
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